Portfolio Website

Portfolio Website 1
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Description: A personal portfolio website showcasing your skills, projects, and experiences.

Technologies Used: React.js, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript

Features: Responsive design, project galleries, contact form

Challenges Faced: Implementing smooth animations, optimizing performance

Portfolio Website 2
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Description: A personal portfolio website showcasing creative projects and designs.

Technologies Used: Jekyll, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript

Features: Custom design, interactive portfolio sections, blog integration

Challenges Faced: Customizing Jekyll themes, optimizing SEO

College Projects

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Description: An E-Commerce website with a list of items, sell and feedback form.

Technologies Used: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript

Features: products list, feedback form, selling form

Challenges Faced: None

Portfolio Website 2
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Description: A personal portfolio website showcasing creative projects and designs.

Technologies Used: Jekyll, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript

Features: Custom design, interactive portfolio sections, blog integration

Challenges Faced: Customizing Jekyll themes, optimizing SEO

E-commerce Platform

E-commerce Platform 1
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Description: An online store specializing in handmade crafts and goods.

Technologies Used: MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js)

Features: User authentication, product catalog, shopping cart, payment integration

Challenges Faced: Integrating payment gateways, managing inventory

E-commerce Platform 2
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Description: A marketplace for digital products and online courses.

Technologies Used: Django, PostgreSQL, HTML5, CSS3

Features: User authentication, digital product delivery, course enrollment

Challenges Faced: Customizing Django admin panel, optimizing database queries

Blog Website

Blog Website 1
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Description: A personal blog website featuring travel experiences and photography.

Technologies Used: Jekyll, GitHub Pages, HTML5, CSS3

Features: Custom theme, image gallery, comments section

Challenges Faced: Customizing Jekyll layouts, optimizing for speed

Blog Website 2
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Description: A technology blog covering latest trends and tutorials.

Technologies Used: WordPress, PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3

Features: Custom theme development, SEO optimization, social sharing

Challenges Faced: WordPress customization, optimizing database queries

Social Media App

Social Media App 1
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Description: A social networking platform for connecting professionals.

Technologies Used: React.js, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB

Features: User profiles, friend connections, messaging system

Challenges Faced: Real-time updates, data modeling, authentication

Social Media App 2
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Description: A photo-sharing app for enthusiasts to showcase their work.

Technologies Used: Angular, Firebase, TypeScript, SCSS

Features: Image uploads, likes and comments, user profiles

Challenges Faced: File storage, real-time notifications, UI design

Online Learning Platform

Online Learning Platform 1
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Description: An educational platform offering coding tutorials and exercises.

Technologies Used: MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js)

Features: User authentication, course catalog, progress tracking

Challenges Faced: Content creation, user engagement, scalability

Online Learning Platform 2
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Description: A language learning platform with interactive lessons and quizzes.

Technologies Used: Django, PostgreSQL, HTML5, CSS3

Features: User profiles, lesson progress tracking, quiz scoring

Challenges Faced: Content localization, user feedback implementation

Next.js Projects

Next.js Project 1
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Description: A web application built with Next.js for server-side rendering.

Technologies Used: Next.js, React.js, CSS3, Node.js

Features: Server-side rendering, dynamic routing, API integration

Challenges Faced: Learning curve of Next.js, SSR optimization

Next.js Project 2
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Description: A blog website built with Next.js for SEO optimization.

Technologies Used: Next.js, React.js, CSS3, Markdown

Features: SEO-friendly, server-side rendering, markdown support

Challenges Faced: Integrating markdown files, SEO best practices

React Native Projects

React Native Project 1
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Description: A mobile app built with React Native for cross-platform development.

Technologies Used: React Native, JavaScript, Expo

Features: Cross-platform compatibility, native component support

Challenges Faced: Bridging native modules, performance optimization

React Native Project 2
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Description: An e-commerce app built with React Native for iOS and Android.

Technologies Used: React Native, Redux, Firebase

Features: User authentication, product catalog, cart management

Challenges Faced: Cross-platform UI consistency, push notifications

Redux Projects

Redux Project 1
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Description: A web application using Redux for state management.

Technologies Used: React.js, Redux, JavaScript, CSS3

Features: Centralized state management, predictable state updates

Challenges Faced: Understanding Redux concepts, middleware implementation

Redux Project 2
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Description: An admin dashboard with Redux for handling complex data flows.

Technologies Used: React.js, Redux, REST API, Material-UI

Features: Data visualization, user management, CRUD operations

Challenges Faced: Data normalization, action creators organization

Tailwind CSS Projects

Tailwind CSS Project 1
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Description: A landing page built with Tailwind CSS for rapid UI development.

Technologies Used: HTML5, Tailwind CSS, JavaScript

Features: Utility-first approach, responsive design

Challenges Faced: Learning curve of Tailwind CSS, customization

Tailwind CSS Project 2
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Description: A blog template styled with Tailwind CSS for modern design.

Technologies Used: Vue.js, Tailwind CSS, Markdown

Features: Responsive layout, dark mode support

Challenges Faced: Tailwind CSS configuration, responsive breakpoints

Vue.js Projects

Vue.js Project 1
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Description: A single-page application built with Vue.js for interactive user interfaces.

Technologies Used: Vue.js, Vuex, Vue Router, SCSS

Features: Component-based architecture, reactive data binding

Challenges Faced: Component communication, Vuex store management

Vue.js Project 2
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Description: A dashboard application with Vue.js for data visualization.

Technologies Used: Vue.js, Chart.js, REST API, BootstrapVue

Features: Interactive charts, data filtering, authentication

Challenges Faced: Chart integration, API data fetching

GraphQL Projects

GraphQL Project 1
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Description: An application using GraphQL for efficient data fetching.

Technologies Used: GraphQL, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB

Features: GraphQL queries, mutations, subscriptions

Challenges Faced: Schema design, resolver implementation

GraphQL Project 2
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Description: A blog platform with GraphQL for flexible data querying.

Technologies Used: GraphQL, React.js, Apollo Client, Prisma

Features: Real-time updates, serverless architecture

Challenges Faced: Optimizing GraphQL queries, subscription setup


API Project 1
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Description: A weather application consuming external APIs for weather data.

Technologies Used: JavaScript, OpenWeather API, Geolocation API

Features: Current weather display, location-based forecasts

Challenges Faced: Handling API responses, error handling

API Project 2
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Description: A news aggregator app fetching news from various APIs.

Technologies Used: React.js, News API, Axios

Features: Categorized news display, search functionality

Challenges Faced: API rate limiting, data filtering